Thursday, March 10, 2011

I had a dream last night that I was flying over tropical wetlands and marshland in what I assume to be the Yucatan peninsula (a place I have never actually physically been). As I skimmed the surface I noticed congregations of large crabs of various species. I hunted the spidery monsters but they proved elusive, retreating under the protection of the nooks and crannies. I took aim instead for an even larger and more sedentary pray. They where football sized aquatic armadillos with sharp pointed noses and a mean disposition for attacking humans. I picked the largest from the lot (I noticed well over a half dozen in the immediate vicinity) and wrestled him into submission by forcing his head to his butt curling him into a sphere. Carrying this payload I soared back to civilization (Cancun?) and was directed to land by a police officer next to a second police officer. "Your under arrest for poaching!". I looked at her in disbelief..."no freaking way!" I exclaimed. "its a felony to bring harm to the endangered armadillo" she responded. I explained to her that they couldn't possibly be endangered I saw so many and besides I plucked the largest and therefor longest lived from the gene pool. I quickly went on to say that I only just grabbed the critter and he hadn't been out of water more than a few minuets. Based on his size he should be resilient enough to last if we replenish his moisture quickly and return him to his environment.

It sure would have been tasty though.


  1. gusta mucho El Armadillo del Mar!

  2. That was a great dream! I didn't know you have a blog...I will add it to my following list. Thanks, Oh Great One!
