Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Fishing SB

View of Santa Barbara shore. My destination is the end of the pier.
Mass of suffering on a treble hook.
I could feel the fish yanking worms off and I had to continuously replace stolen worms.

A Game Fish!
Baby Bocaccio

 Sick catch but no snags on smelt, my desired pray. I was therefore unable to secure a legal catch to dice up and replace my earthworms as bait.
Oh well, Ill go hunting in the Pacific tomorrow for this lil fellas mom.

Check in tomorrow to see Kevin's Adventures!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Nothing epic to report...cept possible DEATH!!!

So I cruise at 7:15 on carcinogenic public transportation to school at sbcc. I bust a text to my mom to drop off my epic bicycle and it is dropped. I park it in bicycle parking and continue my day.

Somebody Was WATCHING ME

This wasn't..AHEM!!!This wasn't the first time I had received this ominous message...I just thought I had out maneuvered the sniper.

Im on your trail bub. Obviously I only touched the edges and got it into a plastic bag as soon as its picture was taken.

As soon as I come up on some black talcum powder that fools ass is grass.

Ran into Danny and Mario
If there was some grass nearby I woulda challenged em to a beatdown.

You fools comming fishing off the peir with me and connor tomorrow?

Kings of the Urban Skys

Stay tuned for monster fishing tales and tails(Tail Fins)

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Day of Hunting

I started the day being awaken by my internal alarm at 7:59. I therefore had a full half hour of pleasant rest before my actual alarm was scheduled to go off at 8:32. I had a nice breakfast of Raisin bran crunch and I was out the door, flying on Goleta's paved streets at 25mph. My first stop of the day was at our local dump where I was informed of a sweet fossiliferous geologic formation.
Sure enough, a beautiful scallop ready for the picking.
I was limited on time today, Ill have to come back next Sunday to try to collect some bigger nicer specimens.

I then trekked it to Bicicle Bobs to get a back basket panel thing for my bike. No luck.
Hit up Connors house to get some CO2 capsules for my airsoft gun and its off to airsoft.

As I'm waiting for my buddy to show I do a little hunting creek-side.
A frog! I thought it was really cool how he was balancing on the grass to keep his eyes and nose just above the water. 

Following the bird calls brings this into my sights.

I notice some California quail congregating in the bush but I hold my fire.

The quail is in the lower half of the sight picture. Its head is obstructed by branches.

All and all great day. Plus I added a few items to my collection display.
Kinda looks like a raptor claw doesn't it? There is a reason for that

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Fishing the ecosystem...and observing a phenomenon home

 Epic day o fishing yet again this time accompanied by Austin and Jason. As I wait for them to show I scope the water with my worm. Near instantly a sculpin falls pray to my trickery. 
Jason and Austin showez up and the fishing continues. I demonstrate the quickness of sculpin hunting by tossing a worm into the flow and yanking out one of the critters. 
Austin unimpressed plops his spinner through the scum on the surface of the still sections. A few reels and alas! he pulls a large steel head trout. Upon becoming unhooked, the animal makes a premature escape and ends up stuck in grass between some plywood structure and the cement wall. I clamor down breaking the plywood and falling into the pond but in the end succeed in saving the fish from a fate of death.

The fishing continues...Austin and I catch some sculpin and a baby lil green sunfish while jason frustratingly attempts to get his first bite. As Austin hangs his line he exclaims "alas, a turtle!".
I investigate but see no evidence of such a beast.

"You must bee seeing things, you sure it wasn't a sculpin?"

Him: "I seens what I seens"

A few minuets more...

"I have caught the thing!" Austin proclaims with glee.

Not wanting to injure the reptile by hauling it by the neck up to our height I volunteer to clamber (once again) down to his. I secure him upside down but he is quite persistent in defending his neck with snapping strikes. That beak doesn't look like something I want my finger in. The hook is right on the side of the mouth, an easy operation thank god. We took his picture and let him go free where he was caught. 
Tis not only fish that can be caught through fishing methods.

Kinda like this

Austin and I having been quite successful now turn to Jason to catch his first fish so that we may smoke in victory. It is actually a bit long and tedious a wait in the mean time unfortunately a few fish meet their demise at our hands. 

A Fish!
 Good job Jason! Smallest one so far.

 Overall excellent fishing sesh and excellent catches.

BTW: My Bike

As I rode my demon of a road-bike home in the dark I observed a very interesting sound. It was a hyper-high frequency pulse emitted in the form of a beat, quite loud but observable as if from the inner ear.
My first reaction to the regularity and intensity of the phenomenon was an anti teenager sound device located in a passing building. I had heard such sound frequencies unobservable to a middle age individual but quite noticeable to young ears and read articles of businesses installing speakers to play the sound to discourage loitering for that very reason.

However as I road on the sound did not die, the harmony continued unabated as if following me. Ahah! the bicycle! I stopped peddling and the sound stopped: press energy into the peddle and the "squeek" (high frequency "cherp") emitted loud and clear. Because of the nature of the sound, I could only really hear it if my ear was pointed directly at the source. Speeding down the Street Dr. I could observe the sound most clearly when I passed flat building sides and signs. I thought of echolocation: a animal power only possessed by mammals. Bats dominate the terrestrial night sky due to their ability to "see" insects and landscapes in complete darkness through the power of sound emission and perception. In the vast oceans cetaceans has many species in its ranks who employ the use of echolocation to hunt the creatures of the deep.

I thought to myself: If I were blind, I could take advantage of this bikes behavior to effectively ride it in the streets home. By golly I knew the way, It might take a little practice but it could be done.
I decided to myself that I would wright of this phenomenon in my EPIC blog so I might as well have some pictures of the route.

This Left turn would be no problem with the hill flattening out and the sound clearly echoing off the parked RV.

This wooden bridge on the other hand with poles spaced at the entrance...maybe not.
Thank god I own eyeballs.

I almost died trying to get the picture after this...It didn't even take!

(I did not know how to spell signs before publishing this blog.)

Friday, August 27, 2010

"Asphault Volcanoes" -oil seaps


I found this article on "asphalt volcanoes" "discovered" in the Santa Barbara channel. Tis an ancient oil leak much like human induced bp flow. I find it interesting that scientists where unaware of their existence. I have found tar rocks of obviously prehistoric origin containing entombed snails and bivalves along santa barbaras beaches and in pleistocene sediment layers. I have also seen evidence of asphalt flow in the carpenteria cliffs.

Although the tar globs and oil slick common to coal oil point in goleta might be explained away by the proximity of the offshore oil drill, the little bubbles I always find seeping out of the sand while I'm snorkeling can be none other than natural gas flow.

Obviously these "asphalt volcanoes" are very much alive and their relative youth geologically (30,000 years old compared to the 250 million year old super continent Pangea) means more methane and oil will be put on the surface to come.

Perhaps the oil spill in the Gulf was not such a catastrophe after all?
All the chemicals BP put in the ocean to "break up" the oil is a different story all together.

Gone Fishing

So today I was going to go fishing with Chris and Austin. Ended up hanging with Austin and Connor. Epic fishing sesh. I caught 4 Bluegill and Austin caught a pretty decent sized bass.

Those little baby bass shure like to steal your bait, kept pulling my hook up empty from the little guys.

Photos taken on Austin's ipone

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Cinder Cone Diving

Diving down a very young cinder cone on the Colorado Platau field trip I went on in the summer.
Thee be scott diving ahead of me.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Skunked, good thing I had a plan B

First day back from the sierra Nevada mountain range where I had spent a week far from the ocean. I brought along my fishing pole, naturally, and hooks but having left worm catching to last minuet as to insure preservation I found myself having forgotten them completely the morning of. Having frustrated myself all week with offerings of beatles and shiney lures to fingerling trout I was ready to kill some monsters.

But alas... conditions were not working with me that first day back in my home and I found the ocean a swirling cloud of particulate debree. Coulen't see my spear tip in front of my face!

Something quite disheartening getting skunked so many times in a row. Inland I travel.

Alas! A catch, and what a beauty she be.

And then, my favorite fresh water pray...A Sculpin!

I gave this individual to my girlfriend as a pet, its doing excellent in captivity, really loves earthworms.

And then, what should bite down but a sunfish! what a diverse ecosystem.

Gotta love this land which I call home

If I see any of you at my fishing hole, I cant be responsible for your saftey
This is my girl, Emily Wilhoite

Epic Day of Hunting

 (Here is a post I posted on Spearboard.com on July 25th of this year.)

Got up bright and early at 5:45 this morning. By 6:30 I was in the water.

Pwned this Opaleye with my 4ft pole spear as he was swimming away from me. Got him right in the gut with my double flopper tip.

Off to Campus point to meet up with my girlfriend for some bbq!

At campus point first thing I do naturally is enter the water. Visibility was terrible but I still managed to bring out my first kill with my jerry rigged 9ft polespear.

Time for bbq sesh!

A very rewarding day in southern california, the fish was tasty and the sun was warm.

First Post

Welcome to my blog, although this is my first post on here, therefore the bottom of  and least likely to be scrolled down too once my blog gets up to speed. Welcome!

I lead a pretty bad ass life so this will be a correlative bad ass web sight. I have a digital camera and I take many pictures of stuff I kill and things I see sooo enjoy.